Tag Archives: Anorexia

To Atone For Indulgence

Happy Thanksgiving (a day late)! It feels good to be writing again. It’s been a long while 🙂 I’ll talk about that later, but for now, I want to discuss something I’ve noticed for years, but never never felt terribly bothered by….until now.

Compensatory behaviors, especially around food, have basically become the norm in our society: “Oh, you ate a lot yesterday? Better make up for it today!” This morning when I opened up a news page online, the first articles to greet my eyes dealt with “negative calorie foods to make up for yesterday” and “post-Thanksgiving detox diets”.

The message is loud and clear. If you commit the horrid sin of “indulgence”, you must do x, y, and z in order to undo it.

As a survivor of anorexia, that was my life. Except any meal or snack qualified as an indulgence. And I needed to find a way to undo it. All.the.time. This is why I have a fundamental issue with our current mentality of “indulge today, starve tomorrow”.

What if we enjoyed a special meal today and then tomorrow, go back to our normal eating style? Or what if we enjoyed a special meal today, and then tomorrow, enjoyed some of the leftovers? What if we stopped demonizing the enjoyment of good food in reasonable quantities? A quantity that makes our bodies feel good, feel satisfied.

I don’t think God would have made food to taste good if we weren’t to enjoy it 😊

“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31

I think God is most glorified when we thank him for blessings He has given us and enjoy them…and take care of ourselves in the process!


Take care!
